Facebook.com login/identify

Forgot password | Can’t log in – Facebook

Glemt adgangskode | Kan ikke logge på | Facebook

Facebook. Facebook. Enter your mobile number. Cancel, Search. Search by your email or name instead. Loading… Try Again. Cancel. Loading… Loading…

Forgotten Password | Can’t Log In – Facebook

Forgotten Password | Can’t Log In | Facebook

Facebook. Facebook. Enter your mobile number. Cancel, Search. Search by your email address or name instead. Loading… Try Again. Cancel. Loading.

Find your account – Basic Facebook

Find din konto

Facebook. facebook. Enter your email. Cancel · Search by your mobile number instead.

Forgot password | Can’t log in – Facebook

Find din konto

Your name: To help us find your account, please select your birthday month. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October …

Recover Your Facebook Account if You Can’t Log In.

Gendan din Facebook-konto, hvis du ikke kan logge på. | Hjælp til Facebook

1. Go to the Find Your Account page at facebook.com/login/identify and follow the instructions. · 2. Search for the account you want to recover. · 3. Follow the …

Hvis du har problemer med at logge på din konto, kan du gennemgå disse tips og velkendte loginproblemer.

Log into Facebook

Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, … Facebook. The mobile number or email you’ve entered doesn’t match any account.

Recover Your Account If You Can’t Access the Email or Mobile …

Gendan din konto, hvis du ikke kan få adgang til kontoens e-mail eller mobilnummer | Hjælp til Facebook

Using a computer or mobile phone that you have previously used to log into your Facebook account, go to facebook.com/login/identify and follow the instructions.

Her er nogle ting, du kan prøve for at komme tilbage på din Facebook-konto.

Find your account – Basic Facebook

Find din konto

Facebook. facebook. Enter your mobile number. Cancel · Search by your email instead.

Forgotten Password | Can’t Log In – Facebook

Find Your Account

Facebook. Facebook. Enter your mobile number. Cancel, Search. Search by your email address or name instead. Create new account. Loading… Try Again. Cancel.

Forgot password | Can’t log in – Facebook

Find din konto

Facebook. Facebook. Your name: Ronald Di. To help us find your account, please enter a friend’s full name. Back, Search. Loading… Try Again. Cancel.

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